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f the way closed in an expression that looked like ecstasy。 Delacroix kissed its nose; and the mouse allowed its nose to be kissed。 Then it took the offered piece of candy and began to munch it。 Delacroix looked at it a moment longer; then looked at me。 All at once I got it。 
〃The mouse told you;〃 I said。 〃Am I right?〃 
〃Like he whispered his name to you。〃 
〃Oui; in my ear he whisper it。〃 
〃Lie down; Del;〃 I said。 〃Have you a little rest。 All that whispering back and forth must wear you out。〃 
He said something else…accused me of not believing him; I suppose。 His voice seemed to be ing from a long way off again。 And when I went back up to the duty desk; I hardly seemed to be walking at all … it was more like I was floating; or maybe not even moving; the cells just rolling past me on either side; movie props on hidden wheels。 
I started to sit like normal; but halfway into it my knees unlocked and I dropped onto the blue cushion Harry had brought from home the year before and plopped onto the seat of the chair。 If the chair hadn't been there; I reckon I would have plopped straight to the floor without passing Go or collecting two hundred dollars。 
I sat there; feeling the nothing in my groin where a forest fire had been blazing not ten minutes before。 I helped it; didn't I? John Coffey had said; and that was true; as far as my body went。 My peace of mind was a different story; though。 That he hadn't helped at all。 
My eyes fell on the stack of forms under the tin ashtray we kept on the corner of the desk。 BLOCK REPORT was printed at the top; and about halfway down was a blank space headed Report All Unusual Occurrences。 I would use that space in tonight's report; telling the story of William Wharton's colorful and action…packed arrival。 But suppose I also told what had happened to me in John Coffey's cell? I saw myself picking up the pencil … the one whose tip Brutal was always licking … and writing a single word in big capital letters: MIRACLE。 
That should have been funny; but instead of smiling; all at once I felt sure that I was going to cry I put my hands to my face; palms against my mouth to stifle the sobs … I didn't want to scare Del again just when he was starting to get settled down … but no sobs came。 No tears; either。 After a few moments I lowered my hands back to the desk and folded them。 I didn't know what I was feeling; and the only clear thought in my head was a wish that no one should e back onto the block until I was a little more in control of myself。 I was afraid of what they might see in my face。 
I drew a Block Report form toward me。 I would wait until I had settled down a bit more to write about how my latest problem child had almost strangled Dean Stanton; but I could fill out the rest of the boilerplate foolishness in the meantime。 I thought my handwriting might look funny … trembly … but it came out about the same as always。 
About five minutes after I started; I put the pencil down and went into the W。C。 adjacent to my office to take a leak。 I didn't need to go very bad; but I could manage enough to test what had happened to me; I thought。 As I stood there; waiting for my water to flow; I became sure that it would hurt just the way it had that morning; as if I were passing tiny shards of broken glass; what he'd done to me would turn out to be only hypnosis; after all; and that might be a relief in spite of the pain。 
Except there was no pain; and what went into the bowl was clear; with no sign of pus。 I buttoned my fly; pulled the chain that flushed the mode; went back to the duty desk; and sat down again。 
I knew what had happened; I suppose I knew even when I was trying to tell myself I'd been hypnotized。 I'd experienced a healing; an authentic Praise Jesus; The Lord Is Mighty。 As a boy who'd grown up going to whatever Baptist or Pentecostal church my mother and her sisters happened to be in favor of during any given month; I had heard plenty of Praise Jesus; The Lord Is Mighty miracle stories。 I didn't believe all of them; but there were plenty of people I did believe。 One of these was a man named Roy Delfines; who lived with his family about two miles down the road from us when I was six or so。 Delfines had chopped his son's little finger off with a hatchet; an accident which had occurred when the boy unexpectedly moved his hand on a log he'd been holding on the backyard chopping block for his dad。 Roy Delfines said he had practically worn out the carpet with his knees that fall and winter; and in the spring the boy's finger had grown back。 Even the nail had grown back。 I believed Roy Delfines when he testified at Thursday…night rejoicing。 There was a naked; unplicated honesty in what he said as he stood there talking with his hands jammed deep into the pockets of his biballs that was impossible not to believe。 〃It itch him some when thet finger started ing; kep him awake nights;〃 Roy Delfines said; 〃but he knowed it was the Lord's itch and let it be。〃 Praise Jesus; The Lord Is Mighty。 
Roy Delfines's story was only one of many; I grew up in a tradition of miracles and healings。 I grew up believing in gris…gris; as well (only; up in the hills we said it to rhyme with kiss…kiss): stump…water for warts; moss under your pillow to ease the heartache of lost love; and; of course; what we used to call haints … but I did not believe John Coffey was a gris…gris man。 I had looked into his eyes。 More important;' I had felt his touch。 Being touched by him was like being touched by some strange and wonderful doctor。 
I helped it; didn't I? 
That kept chiming in my head; like a snatch of song you can't get rid of; or words you'd speak to set a spell。 
I helped it; didn't I? 
Except he hadn't。 God had。 John Coffey's use of 〃I〃 could be chalked up to ignorance rather than pride; but I knew … believed; at least … what I had learned about healing in those churches of Praise Jesus; The Lord Is Mighty; piney…woods amen corners much beloved by my twenty…two…year…old mother and my aunts: that healing is never about the healed or the healer; but about God's will。 For one to rejoice at the sick made well is normal; quite the expected thing; but the person healed has an obligation to then ask why … to meditate on God's will; and the extraordinary lengths to which God has gone to realize His will。 
What did God want of me; in this case? What did He want badly enough to put healing power in the hands of a child…murderer? To be on the block; instead of at home; sick as a dog; shivering in bed with the stink of sulfa running out of my pores? Perhaps; I was maybe supposed to be here instead of home in case Wild Bill Wharton decided to kick up more dickens; or to make sure Percy Wetmore didn't get up to some foolish and potentially destructive piece of fuckery All right; then。 So be it。 I would keep my eyes open … and my mouth shut; especially about miracle cures。 
No one y looking and sounding better; I'd been telling the world I was getting better; and until that very day I'd honestly believed it。 I had even told Warden Moores that I was on the mend。 Delacroix had seen something; but I thought he would keep his mouth shut; too (probably afraid John Coffey would throw a spell on him if he didn't)。 As for Coffey himself; he'd probably already forgotten it。 He was nothing but a conduit; after all; and there isn't a culvert in the world that remembers the water that flowed through it once the rain has stopped。 So I resolved to keep my mouth pletely shut on the subject; with never an idea of how soon I'd be telling the story; or who I'd be telling it to。 
But I was curious about my big boy; and there's no sense not admitting it。 After what had happened to me there in his cell; I was more curious than ever。 
Before leaving that night; I arranged with Brutal to cover for me the next day; should I e in a little late; and when I got up the following morning; I set out for Tefton; down in Trapingus County。 
〃I'm not sure I like you worrying so much about this fellow Coffey;〃 my wife said; handing me the lunch she'd put up for me…Janice never believed in roadside hamburger stands; she used to say there was a bellyache waiting in every one。 〃It's not like you; Paul。〃 
〃I'm not worr
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