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my name is red-我的名字叫红-第章

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This book is the source of the bad luck that plagues us。” 
“What devilry has plagued us besides the murder of Elegant Effendi?” 
This  question  displeased  her。  Appearing  insincere  in  her  attempt  to  be 
sincere; she said: 
“The followers of Nusret Hoja are spreading rumors that my father’s book 
is  a  desecration  and  bears  the  marks  of  Frankish  infideldom。  Have  the 
miniaturists  who  frequent  our  house  grown  jealous  of  each  other  to  the 
degree  that  they’re  hatching  plans?  You’ve  been  among  them;  you  would 
know best!” 
“Your  late  husband’s  brother;”  I  said;  “does  he  have  any  association  with 
these miniaturists; your father’s book or the followers of Nusret Hoja; or does 
he keep to himself?” 
“He’s not involved in any of that; but he doesn’t keep to himself at all;” she 
A mysterious and strange quiet passed。 
“When you lived in the same house with Hasan wasn’t there any way you 
could get away from him?” 
“As much as possible in a two…room house。” 
A few dogs; not too far away; giving themselves over pletely to whatever 
they were up to; began barking excitedly。 
I  couldn’t  bring  myself  to  ask  why  Shekure’s  late  husband;  a  man  who’d 
emerged victorious from so many battles and had bee the proprietor of a 
fief;  saw  fit  to  have  his  wife  live  together  with  his  brother  in  a  two…room 
house。  Timidly  and  hesitantly;  I  asked  my  childhood  beloved  the  following 
question: “Why did you see fit to marry him?” 
“I was; of course; certain to be married off to someone;” she said。 This was 
true;  and  it  succinctly  and  cleverly  explained  her  marriage  in  a  way  that 
avoided praising her husband and upsetting me。 “You’d left; perhaps never to 
return。 Disappearing in a sulk might be a symptom of love; yet a sulking lover 
is also tiresome and holds no promise of a future。” This was true as well; but it 
wasn’t  cause  enough  to  marry  that  rogue。  It  wasn’t  too  difficult  to  deduce 
from her coy expression alone that a short time after I’d abandoned Istanbul; 
Shekure  had  forgotten  about  me;  like  everyone  else  had。  She’d  told  me  this 
blatant lie to mend my broken heart; if only a little; and I considered it a sign 
of her good intentions; which demanded my gratitude。 I began to explain how 
during  my  travels  I  couldn’t  get  her  out  of  my  thoughts;  how  at  night  her 
image  haunted  me  like  a  specter。  This  was  the  most  secret;  most  profound 
agony I’d suffered and I assumed I’d never be able to share it with another; 
the  agony  was  quite  real;  but  as  I  realized  with  surprise  at  that  instant;  it 
wasn’t the least bit sincere。 
So  that  my  feelings  and  desires  might  be  rightfully  understood;  I  must 
presently lay bare the meaning of this distinction between truth and sincerity 
that  I’ve  e  to  know  for  the  first  time:  How  expressing  one’s  reality  in 
words; as truthful as they might be; goads one to insincerity。 Perhaps; the best 
example might be made of us miniaturists; who’ve grown edgy of late due to 
the murderer in our midst。 Consider a perfect painting—the image of a horse; 
for  instance—no  matter  how  well  it  represents  a  real  horse;  the  horse 
meticulously conceived by Allah or the horses of the great master miniaturists; 
it might still fail to match the sincerity of the talented miniaturist who drew 
it。 The sincerity of the miniaturist; or of us humble servants of Allah; doesn’t 
emerge  in  moments  of  talent  and  perfection;  on  the  contrary;  it  emerges 
through slips of the tongue; mistakes; fatigue and frustration。 I say this for the 
sake of those young ladies who will bee disillusioned when they see that 
there  was  no  difference  between  the  strong  desire  I  felt  for  Shekure  at  that 
moment—as  she  too  could  tell—and;  say;  the  dizzying  lust  I’d  felt  for  a 
delicately  featured;  copper…plexioned;  burgundy…mouthed  Kazvin  beauty 
during my travels。 With her profound God…given savvy and jinnlike intuition; 
Shekure  understood  both  my  being  able  to  withstand  twelve  years  of  pure 
torture  for  love’s  sake  as  well  as  my  behaving  like  a  miserable  thrall  of  lust 
who thought of nothing but the quick satisfaction of his dark desires the first 
time  we  were  alone。  Nizami  had  pared  the  mouth  of  that  beauty  of 
beauties; Shirin; to an inkwell filled with pearls。 
When the eager dogs began barking with renewed fervor; a restless Shekure 
said;  “I  ought  to  go  now。”  It  was  at  that  moment  we  both  realized  that  the 
house of the Jew’s ghost had indeed bee quite dark; although there was 
still time before nightfall。 My body sprung up of its own volition; to hug her 
once again; but like a wounded sparrow; she quickly hopped away。 
“Am I still beautiful? Answer me quickly。” 
I told her。 How beautifully she listened to me; believing and agreeing with 
what I said。 
“And my clothes?” 
I told her。 
“Do I smell nice?” 
Of course; Shekure also knew that what Nizami referred to as “love chess” 
did  not  consist  of  such  rhetorical  games;  but  of  the  hidden  emotional 
maneuvers between lovers。 
“What kind of living do you expect to earn?” she asked。 “Will you be able 
to care for my fatherless children?” 
As  I  talked  about  my  more  than  twelve  years  of  governmental  and 
secretarial experience; the vast knowledge I’d acquired in battle and witnessing 
death and my luminous prospects; I embraced her。 
“How beautifully we embraced each other just now;” she said。 “And already 
everything has lost its primal mystery。” 
To prove how sincere I was; I hugged her even tighter。 I asked her why; after 
having kept it for twelve years; she’d had Esther return the painting I’d made 
for her。 In her eyes I read surprise at my weariness and an affection that welled 
up  within  her。  We  kissed。  This  time  I  didn’t  find  myself  immobilized  by  a 
staggering yoke of lust; both of us were stunned by the fluttering—like a flock 
of  sparrows—of  a  powerful  love  that  had  entered  our  hearts;  chests  and 
stomachs。 Isn’t lovemaking the best antidote to love? 
As  I  palmed  her  large  breasts;  Shekure  pushed  me  away  in  an  even  more 
determined and sweeter way than before。 She implied that I wasn’t a mature…
enough  man  to  maintain  a  trustworthy  marriage  with  a  woman  that  I’d 
sullied  beforehand。  I  was  careless  enough  to  forget  that  the  Devil  would  get 
involved  in  any  hasty  deeds  and  too  inexperienced  to  know  how  much 
patience and quiet suffering underlie happy marriages。 She’d escaped my arms 
and was walking toward the door; her linen veil having fallen around her neck。 
I caught sight of the snow falling onto the streets; which always succumbed to 
the darkness first; and forgetting that we’d been whispering here; perhaps to 
avoid disturbing the spirit of the Hanged Jew; I cried out: 
“What are we to do now?” 
“I  don’t  know;”  she  said;  minding  the  rules  of  “love  chess。”  Walking 
through the old garden; she left delicate footprints in the snow—certain to be 
erased by the whiteness—and disappeared quietly。 
Doubtless;  you  too  have  experienced  what  I’m  about  to  describe:  At  times; 
while  walking  through  the  infinite  and  winding  streets  of  Istanbul;  while 
spooning  a  bite  of  vegetable  stew  into  my  mouth  at  a  public  kitchen  or 
squinting  with  fixed  attention  on  the  curved  design  of  a  reed…style  border 
illumination; I feel I’m living the present as if it were the past。 That is; when 
I’m  walking  down  a  street  whitewashed  with  snow;  I’ll  have  the  urge  to  say 
that I was walking down it。 
The extraordinary events I will relate occurred at once in the present and in 
the  past。  It  was  evening;  the  twilight  gave  way  to  blackness  and  a  very  faint 
snow fell as I walked down the st
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