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e active when it es to money。 If I had paid myself last; I would have felt no pressure; but I'd be broke。〃
〃So it is the fear of the government or other people you owe money I to that motivates you?〃
〃That's right;〃 said rich dad。 〃You see; government bill collectors are big bullies。 So are bill collectors in general。 Most people give into these bullies。 They pay them and never pay themselves。 You know the story of the 96…pound weakling who gets sand kicked in his face?〃
I nodded。  〃I see that ad for weightlifting and bodybuilding lessons in the ic books all the time。〃
〃Well; most people let the bullies kick sand in their faces。 I decided to use the fear of the bully to make me stronger。 Others get weaker。 Forcing myself to think about how to make extra money is like going to the gym and working out with weights。 The more I work my mental money muscles out; the stronger I get。 Now; I'm not afraid of those bullies。
I liked what rich dad was saying。  〃So if I pay myself first; I get financially stronger; mentally and fiscally。〃
Rich dad nodded。
〃And if I pay myself last; or not at all; I get weaker。 So people like bosses; managers; tax collectors; bill collectors and landlords push me around all my life。 Just because I don't have good money habits。〃
Rich dad nodded。  〃Just like the 96…pound weakling。〃
Reason No。 5。 Arrogance。 Arrogance is ego plus ignorance。 I     〃What I know makes me money。 What I don't know loses me money。 Every time I have been arrogant; I have lost money。 Because when I'm arrogant; I truly believe that what I don't know is not important;〃 rich dad would often tell me。
I have found that many people use arrogance to try to hide their own ignorance。 It often happens when I am discussing financial statements with accountants or even other investors。
They try to bluster their way through the discussion。 It is clear to me that they don't know what they're talking about。 They're not lying; but they are not telling the truth。
There are many people in the world of money; finances and investments who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about。 Most people in the money industry are just spouting off sales pitches like used…car salesmen。
When you know you are ignorant in a subject; start educating yourself by finding an expert in the field or find a book on the subject。

Getting Started

I wish I could say acquiring wealth was easy for me; but it wasn't。
So in response to the question 〃How do I start?〃 I offer the thought process I go through on a day…by…day basis。 It really is easy to find great deals。 I promise you that。 It's just like riding a bike。 After a little wobbling; it's a piece of cake。 But when it es to money; it's the determination to get through the wobbling that's a personal thing。
To find million…dollar 〃deals of a lifetime〃 requires us to call on our financial genius。 I believe that each of us has a financial genius within us。 The problem is; our financial genius lies asleep; waiting to be called upon。 It lies asleep because our culture has educated us into believing that the love of money is the root of all evil。 It has encouraged us to learn a profession so we can work for money; but failed to teach us how to have money work for us。 It taught us not to worry about our financial future; our pany or the government would take care of us when our working days are over。 However; it is our children; educated in the same school system; who will end up paying for it。 The message is still to work hard; earn money and spend it; and when we run short; we can always borrow more。
Unfortunately; 90 percent of the Western world subscribes to the above dogma; simply because it's easier to find a job and work for money。 If you are not one of the masses; I offer you the following ten steps to awaken your financial genius。 I simply offer you the steps I have personally followed。  If you want to follow some of them; great。 If you don't; make up your own。 Your financial genius is smart enough to develop its own list。
While in Peru; with a gold miner of 45 years; I asked him how he was so confident about finding a gold mine。 He replied; 〃There is gold everywhere。 Most people are not trained to see it。〃
And I would say that is true。 In real estate; I can go out and in a day e up with four or five great potential deals; while the average person will go out and find nothing。  Even looking in the same neighborhood。 The reason is they have not taken the time to develop their financial genius。
I offer you the following ten steps as a process to develop your God…given powers。 Powers only you have control over。

1。  I NEED A REASON GREATER THAN REALITY: The power of spirit。  If you ask most people if they would like to be rich or financially free; they would say 〃yes。〃 But then reality sets in。 The road seems too long with too many hills to climb。 It's easier to     just work for money and hand the excess over to your broker。 I once met a young woman who had dreams of swimming for the U。S Olympic team。 The reality was; she had to get up every morning at 4 a。m。 to swim for three hours before going to school。 She did not party with her friends on Saturday night。  She had to study and keep her grades up; just like everyone else。
When I asked her what pelled her with such super…human ambition and sacrifice; she simply said; 〃I do it for myself and the people I love。 It's love that gets me over the hurdles and sacrifices。〃
A reason or a purpose is a bination of 〃wants〃 and 〃don't wants。〃 When people ask me what my reason for wanting to be rich is; it is a bination of deep emotional 〃wants〃 and 〃don't wants。〃
I will list a few。 First the 〃don't wants;〃 for they create the 〃wants。〃 I don't want to work all my life。  I don't want what my parents aspired for; which was job security and a house in the suburbs。  I don't like being an employee。 I hated that my dad always missed my football games because he was so busy working on his career。  I hated it when my dad worked hard all his life and the government took most of what he worked for at his death。 He could not even pass on what he worked so hard for when he died。 The rich don't do that。 They work hard and pass it on to their children。
Now the wants。  I want to be free to travel the world and live in the lifestyle I love。 I want to be young when I do this。 I want to simply be free。 I want control over my time and my life。  I want money to work for me。
Those are my deep…seated; emotional reasons。 What are yours? If they are not strong enough; then the reality of the road ahead may be greater than your reasons。 I have lost money and been set back many times; but it was the deep emotional reasons that kept me standing up and going forward。 I wanted to be free by age 40; but it took me until I was 4? with many learning experiences along the way。
As I said; I wish I could say it was easy。 It wasn't; but it wasn't hard either。 But without a strong reason or purpose; anything in life is hard。


2。 I CHOOSE DAILY: The power of choice。 That is the main reason people want to live in a free country。 We want the power to choose。
Financially; with every dollar we get in our hands; we hold the power to choose our future to be rich; poor or middle class。  Our spending habits reflect who we are。  Poor people simply have poor spending habits。
The benefit I had as a boy was that I loved playing Monopoly constantly。  Nobody told me Monopoly was only for kids; so I just kept playing the game as an adult。 I also had a rich dad who pointed out to me the difference between an asset and a liability。  So a long time ago; as a little boy; I chose to be rich; and I knew that all I had to do was learn to acquire assets; real assets。 My best friend; Mike; had an asset column handed to him; but he still had to choose to learn to keep it。 Many rich families lose their assets in the next generation simply because there was no one trained to be a good steward over their assets。
Most people choose not to be rich。 For 90 percent of the population; being rich is 〃too much of a hassle。〃  So they invent sayings that go; 〃I'm not interested in money。〃  Or 〃I'll never be 
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