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〃Yes; it won't do for you to stay with me when I increase myhousehold with a wife and children;〃' said the smallest。

〃I daresay I shall have more wives and children than you;〃 saidthe second。

〃But I am the eldest!〃 exclaimed the third。 Then they all gotexcited; they hit out with their wings; pecked with their beaks; andflop! one after another was thrown out of the nest。 There they laywith their anger; holding their heads on one side and blinking the eyethat was turned upwards。 That was their way of looking foolish。

They could fly a little; by practice they learned to improve;and at last they agreed upon a sign by which to recognise each otherif they should meet in the world later on。 It was to be one 〃Peep!〃and three scratches on the ground with the left foot。

The young one who had remained behind in the nest made himselfas broad as he could; for he was the proprietor。 But this greatnessdid not last long。 In the night the red flames burst through thewindow and seized the roof; the dry straw blazed up high; and thewhole house; together with the young sparrow; was burned。 The twoothers; who wanted to marry; thus saved their lives by a stroke ofluck。

When the sun rose again and everything looked as refreshed as ifit had had a quiet sleep; there only remained of the farmhouse a fewblack charred beams leaning against the chimney; which was now its ownmaster。 Thick smoke still rose from the ruins; but the rose…bush stoodyonder; fresh; blooming; and untouched; every flower and every twigbeing reflected in the clear water。

〃How beautifully the roses bloom before the ruined house;〃exclaimed a passer…by。 〃A pleasanter picture cannot be imagined。 Imust have that。〃 And the man took out of his portfolio a little bookwith white leaves: he was a painter; and with his pencil he drew thesmoking house; the charred beams and the overhanging chimney; whichbent more and more; in the foreground he put the large; bloomingrose…bush; which presented a charming view。 For its sake alone thewhole picture had been drawn。

Later in the day the two sparrows who had been born there came by。〃Where is the house?〃 they asked。 〃Where is the nest? Peep! All isburned and our strong brother too。 That's what he has now forkeeping the nest。 The roses got off very well; there they stillstand with their red cheeks。 They certainly do not mourn at theirneighbours' misfortunes。 I don't want to talk to them; and it looksmiserable here… that's my opinion。〃 And away they went。

On a beautiful sunny autumn day… one could almost have believed itwas still the middle of summer… there hopped about in the dryclean…swept courtyard before the principal entrance of the Hall anumber of black; white; and gaily…coloured pigeons; all shining in thesunlight。 The pigeon…mothers said to their young ones: 〃Stand ingroups; stand in groups! for that looks much better。〃

〃What kind of creatures are those little grey ones that runabout behind us?〃 asked an old pigeon; with red and green in her eyes。〃Little grey ones! Little grey ones!〃 she cried。

〃They are sparrows; and good creatures。 We have always had thereputation of being pious; so we will allow them to pick up the cornwith us; they don't interrupt our talk; and they scrape so prettilywhen they bow。〃

Indeed they were continually making three foot…scrapings withthe left foot and also said 〃Peep!〃 By this means they recognised eachother; for they were the sparrows from the nest on the burned house。

〃Here is excellent fare!〃 said the sparrow。 The pigeons struttedround one another; puffed out their chests mightily; and had their ownprivate views and opinions。

〃Do you see that pouter pigeon?〃 said one to the other。 〃Do yousee how she swallows the peas? She eats too many; and the best onestoo。 Curoo! Curoo! How she lifts her crest; the ugly; spitefulcreature! Curoo! Curoo!〃 And the eyes of all sparkled with malice。〃Stand in groups! Stand in groups! Little grey ones; little grey ones!Curoo; curoo; curoo!〃

So their chatter ran on; and so it will run on for thousands ofyears。 The sparrows ate lustily; they listened attentively; and evenstood in the ranks with the others; but it did not suit them at all。They were full; and so they left the pigeons; exchanging opinionsabout them; slipped in under the garden palings; and when they foundthe door leading into the house open; one of them; who was more thanfull; and therefore felt brave; hopped on to the threshold。 〃Peep!〃said he; 〃I may venture that。〃

〃Peep!〃 said the other; 〃so may I; and something more too!〃 and hehopped into the room。 No one was there; the third sparrow; seeingthis; flew still farther into the room; exclaiming; 〃All or nothing!It is a curious man's nest all the same; and what have they put uphere? What is it?〃

Close to the sparrows the roses were blooming; they were reflectedin the water; and the charred beams leaned against the overhangingchimney。 〃Do tell me what this is。 How es this in a room at theHall?〃 And all three sparrows wanted to fly over the roses and thechimney; but flew against a flat wall。 It was all a picture; a greatsplendid picture; which the artist had painted from a sketch。

〃Peep!〃 said the sparrows; 〃it's nothing。 It only looks likesomething。 Peep! that is 'the beautiful。' Do you understand it? Idon't。〃

And they flew away; for some people came into the room。

Days and years went by。 The pigeons had often cooed; not to saygrowled… the spiteful creatures; the sparrows had been frozen inwinter and had lived merrily in summer: they were all betrothed; ormarried; or whatever you like to call it。 They had little ones; and ofcourse each one thought his own the handsomest and cleverest; one flewthis way; another that; and when they met they recognised each otherby their 〃Peep!〃 and the three scrapes with the left foot。 Theeldest had remained an old maid and had no nest nor young ones。 It washer pet idea to see a great city; so she flew to Copenhagen。

There was a large house painted in many gay colours standing closeto the castle and the canal; upon which latter were to be seen manyships laden with apples and pottery。 The windows of the house werebroader at the bottom than at the top; and when the sparrows lookedthrough them; every room appeared to them like a tulip with thebrightest colours and shades。 But in the middle of the tulip stoodwhite men; made of marble; a few were of plaster; still; looked atwith sparrows' eyes; that es to the same thing。 Up on the roofstood a metal chariot drawn by metal horses; and the goddess ofVictory; also of metal; was driving。 It was Thorwaldsen's Museum。

〃How it shines! how it shines!〃 said the maiden sparrow。 〃Isuppose that is 'the beautiful。' Peep! But here it is larger than apeacock。〃 She still remembered what in her childhood's days her motherhad looked upon as the greatest among the beautiful。 She flew downinto the courtyard: there everything was extremely fine。 Palms andbranches were painted on the walls; and in the middle of the courtstood a great blooming rose…tree spreading out its fresh boughs;covered with roses; over a grave。 Thither flew the maiden sparrow; forshe saw several of her own kind there。 A 〃peep〃 and threefoot…scrapings… in this way she had often greeted throughout the year;and no one here had responded; for those who are once parted do notmeet every day; and so this greeting had bee a habit with her。But to…day two old sparrows and a young one answered with a 〃peep〃 andthe thrice…repeated scrape with the left foot。

〃Ah! Good…day! good…day!〃 They were two old ones from the nest anda little one of the family。 〃Do we meet here? It's a grand place;but there's not much to eat。 This is 'the beautiful。' Peep!〃

Many people came out of the side rooms where the beautifulmarble statues stood and approached the grave where lay the greatmaster who had created these works of art。 All stood with enrapturedfaces round Thorwaldsen's grave; and a few picked up the fallenrose…leaves and preserved them。 They had e from afar: one frommighty England; others from Germany and France。 The fairest of theladies plucked one of the roses and hid it in her bosom。 Then thesparrows thought that the roses reigned here; and that the house hadbeen built for their sake。 That appeared to t
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