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The reeking creature dropped to the floor; its substance unraveling into shapeless clumps and tatters。 Gromph smiled; and a dozen strands of spiritstuff reared up at him like the vipers in his cursed sister's whip。
The Archmage gripped the scarlet staff with both hands; just as a Master of MeleeMagthere had taught him centuries before; during the six months every student mage was obliged to spend in the warriors' pyramid。 Wielding the implement like a mon spear; he thrust one end of it into what seemed to be K'rarza'q's ragged; squirming core。
The netherspirit burst into inert flecks of grayblack slime。 Gromph's protective enchantments prevented any of the splatter from fouling his own person。
He felt a certain satisfaction at his victory; but it withered quickly because he hadn't killed the object of his hatred; merely preserved himself from the result of another failed attempt; and in the process discovered he'd utterly failed to prehend Quenthel's resources and capacities。
What was that bone wand? Where had it e from; and how did it work? Had it merely broken his own control; or had it summarily placed his minion under his enemy's dominance?
He glumly concluded that until he knew more; it would be foolish to continue attacking a foe seemingly capable of turning his own potent wizardry against him。
So he'd break off hostilities。
And; he thought; with a sudden pang of uneasiness; hope his sister didn't guess who'd engineered her recent perils。
S  E  V  E  N  T  E  E  N
All the undercreatures gawked when Pharaun and Ryld strolled into the cellar; and why not? The mage doubted this foul little drinking pit had ever seen such an elegant figure as himself; an aristocrat of graceful carriage; exquisite ornaments; dress; and coiffure 。 。 。 well; he hoped that; after some emergency adjustments; his hair was at least passable。
In any case; it was plain the goblins; ores; and whatevers had little interest in aesthetic appreciation。 They whispered; glowered; and fingered their weapons whenever they thought the two dark elves weren't looking at them; and the fear and hate in the sweltering; lowceilinged room were palpable。 Pharaun supposed that considering what Greyanna and her hunters had wrought in the Braeryn the previous night; a measure of surliness was; if not good form; at least understandable。
He wondered how they'd react if they discovered his sister had slaughtered their fellows by the score merely to create an opportunity to kill him。 Perhaps it was a question best left in the realm of the hypothetical。
Knowing that Ryld was watching his back; the Master of Sorcere sauntered to the bar and; with a sweep of his arm; scattered clattering coins across it。 The currency was the usual miscellany encountered in Menzoberranzan—rounds; squares; triangles; rings; spiders; and octagons— half of it minted by the dozen or so greatest noble Houses and the rest imported from other lands in the Underdark and even the World Above。 It was all silver; platinum; or gold; though; more precious metal than this squalid hole probably saw in a decade。
〃Tonight;〃 Pharaun announced; 〃this pany of boon panions drinks at my expense〃
The taverner; a squat ore with a twisted; oozing mouth and a mangy scalp; stared for a heartbeat or two; scooped up the coins; and began dipping some foulsmelling brew from a filthy tub。 Cursing and threatening one another; the rest of the undercreatures shoved forward to get it。 The wizard noted that no one thanked him。
After looking around for another moment; Pharaun spotted another dark elf slouched in a corner; evidently one of the wretches who'd sunk so low the goblinoids accepted him as one of their own。
〃e here; my friend;〃 the wizard beckoned。
The outcast flinched。 〃Me?〃
〃Yes。 What's your name?〃
The fellow hesitated; then said; 〃Bruherd; once of House Duskryn。〃
〃Indeed; until your noble kin kicked you out。 We have much in mon; Bruherd; for I myself am outcast twice over。 Now e advise me on a matter of vital importance。〃
〃I'm; uh; all right where I am。〃
〃I know you don't mean to be unsociable;〃 said Pharaun; setting blue sparks dancing on his fingertips。
The Duskryn sighed; and; limping in a manner that betrayed some chronic pain; did as Pharaun had bade him。 He was gaunt; and half a dozen boils studded his neck and jaw。 He'd evidently parted with his piwafwi at some point during his decline; but he still wore a filthy robe that; the Mizzrym noted with mild surprise; had once been a wizard's。 With the aid of the silver ring; he could see that the dozens of pockets no longer held the slightest trace of magic。
〃They may kill me for this;〃 Bruherd said; subtly indicating the goblins。
〃They only tolerate me because they believe me cut off from my own race。〃
〃I'll pray for your welfare;〃 Pharaun said。 〃Meanwhile; what I need to know is this: Of all the libations laid up in our host's no doubt vast and wellstocked cellar; which is the least vile?〃
〃Vile?〃 Bruherd's lip twitched。 〃You get used to them。〃
〃One hopes not。〃
Pharaun handed the other drow a gold; hammershaped coin minted in some dwarf enclave。
〃Tell the barkeep you want the stuff that bubbles;〃 Bruherd advised。
'The stuff that bubbles。' Charming。 Clearly; I've fallen among connoisseurs。〃
〃It'll do;〃 said Ryld; still unobtrusively studying the crowd。 〃The important thing is that we toast our victory。〃
Pharaun waited a beat; then chuckled。 〃You're supposed to ask him what he's talking about;〃 he said to Bruherd; 〃thus affording us a graceful way to mence boasting of our triumph。〃
The lip twitched again。 〃I don't think much about victories or triumphs anymore。〃
Pharaun shook his head。 〃So much bitterness in the world It weighs on the heart。 Would it cheer you to learn I've avenged us in some small measure?〃
〃Us?〃 Bruherd grunted。
Across the room; a scuffle erupted between a shaggy hobgoblin and a wolffaced gnoll。 As the batants rolled about the floor; somebody tossed them a knife; apparently just out of curiosity as to which would manage to grab it first。
〃Hark to the glad tidings;〃 said the Master of Sorcere。 〃I'm Pharaun Mizzrym; expelled first from the Seventh House and now Tier Breche; neither time for any rational cause。 Incensed; I chose to take vengeance on the Academy。 With the aid of my similarly disgruntled friend Master Argith; I destroyed a patrol in the Bazaar earlier today。 You may have heard something about it。〃
Bruherd stared。 The kobold and goblins within earshot did the same。
〃It's true;〃 said Ryld。
〃That was you?〃 Bruherd said。 〃And you're bragging about it? Are you insane? They'll hunt you down〃
Pharaun said; 〃They were trying anyway。〃 The entire cellar was falling quiet。 〃I've heard rumors of an agency that will spirit a drow boy away if he's well and truly discontent with his lot in life; as I trust Ryld and I have shown we are。〃
Bruherd said; 〃I don't know what you're talking about。〃
〃Well;〃 Pharaun said; 〃they probably have to think you can be of some use to them; and if you'll five my saying so 。 。 。〃
He caught a flash of movement from the corner of his eye; and turned just in time to see the taverner fall back in two pieces。 Evidently he'd been in the process of climbing silently over the bar with a short sword in hand; and Ryld; sensing him; had pivoted and cut him。 The drow warrior spun smoothly back around; Splitter at the ready。
Pharaun turned back as well; just in time to see a mass of undercreatures rushing him。 He snatched three smooth gray stones from a pocket and started to recite a spell。 Ryld's greatsword flicked across the wizard's field of vision; killing two gnolls that sought to engage him; allowing him to finish the incantation unmolested。
A cloud of vapor boiled into existence in front of him。 Those ores and goblins caught in the fumes collapsed。 Others recoiled to avoid their touch。
The fog blinked out of existence a heartbeat later。
〃I'm afraid I can't permit you to kill us and sell the corpses to the authorities;〃 Pharaun told the crowd; 〃and I'm shocked—shocked—you would even try。 Aren't you pleased we massacred a patrol?〃
〃They don't want the priestesses to find you here;〃 said Bruherd。 He hadn't made a move during the skirmish。 Perhaps he'd frozen; or maybe he
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