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〃Ched Nasad 。。。〃 Triel whispered。
〃The three of them ought to be more than capable of surviving a trek as far as Ched Nasad;〃 continued Gromph; 〃and they can't very well try to overthrow us while they're leagues away from the city; can they? Who knows; perhaps Lolth will return before they do; and in any case; with time; their notoriety will fade。〃
His suggestion left Triel feeling a little sheepish。 She hid it as best she could by pretending to consider his plan。
〃Faeryl Zauvirr proposed an expedition to Ched Nasad。 She claimed to be concerned because the caravans have stopped。〃
Gromph cocked his head。 〃Really? Well; our representatives can sort that out as well。 You know; it's good that the ambassador is already keen to go。 She'll make a valuable addition and a more than adequate cover for the whole enterprise。〃
〃Waerva told me Faeryl was a spy;〃 said Triel; 〃and sought to depart the city in order to report our weakness to her confederates。 So I forbade her to leave。〃
〃What proof did Waerva offer?〃
〃She told me she learned of Faeryl's treachery from one of her informants。〃
Gromph waited a moment as if expecting something more。
〃And that's it?〃 he asked at length。 〃With respect; Matron; may I point out that if you haven't spoken with the informer yourself; if you haven't probed the matter any further; then you really only have Waerva's word for it that the envoy is a traitor。〃
〃I can't handle everything personally;〃 Triel scowled。 〃That's why we have retainers in the first place。 I have not entirely lost touch with my— our interests in Ched Nasad; though their explanations and excuses do wear thin。〃
〃Of course; Matron;〃 Gromph said quickly。 〃I quite understand。 I have the same problem with my own retainers; and I only have Menzoberranzan's wizards to oversee; not an entire city。〃
〃Why would Waerva lie?〃
〃I don't know; but I've had some dealings with Faeryl Zauvirr。 She never struck me as stupid enough to cross the Baenre。 Waerva; on the other hand; is reckless and discontented enough for any game。 Accordingly; I think it might be worthwhile to inquire into this matter ourselves。〃
Triel hesitated before saying; 〃That could prove difficult。 Despite my orders; the Zauvirr tried to flee Menzoberranzan。 I hired some agents of Bregan D'aerthe; led by Valas Hune—do you know him?〃
〃I've heard the name mentioned;〃 Gromph replied。
〃He would make a fair addition to your little band of explorers;〃 Triel said。 〃He's known to be more than passingly familiar with the wilds of the Underdark—a guide of some acplishment; in fact。〃
Gromph bowed his agreement。
〃Be that as it may; it was Valas Hune I hired to fetch Faeryl back。 He pleted his task well; and I gave the ambassador to Jeggred。〃
The wizard rounded on the draegloth。
〃What's the prisoner's condition?〃 he asked the creature。 〃Is she alive?〃
〃Yes;〃 said Jeggred through a mouthful of bloody meat。 〃I was taking my time; to prove I can。 But you can't have her。 Mother gave her to me。 She just told you。〃
Gromph stared up into the halfdemon's eyes。
〃Nephew;〃 he said; 〃I'm sore; frustrated; and in a foul mood generally。 Right now I don't give a leaky sack of rat droppings whether you're a sacred being or not。 Show some respect; lead me to this prisoner forthwith; or I'll blight you where you sit。〃
Clutching the rothe bone like a club; Jeggred sprang upward from his seat。
Triel said; 〃Do as the archmage bade you。 I wish it as well。〃
The draegloth lowered his makeshift weapon。
〃Yes; Mother;〃 he sighed。
C h a p t e r
T  W  E  N  T  Y
F  I  V  E
Her pack weighting her shoulders; her heart pounding; Waerva turned and peered about。 The cave stretched out before her and behind; with stalactites stabbing down from the ceiling and stalagmites jutting up from the uneven floor。 Nothing moved。
What; then; had she heard? As if in response to her unspoken question; a drop of falling water plopped somewhere in the passages ahead。 It was one of the most mon sounds of the Underdark; and scarcely a harbinger of peril。
Waerva wiped sweat from her brow and scowled at her own jumpiness。 She had good reason to be edgy; though。 Everyone said it was suicide to travel the subterranean wilderness alone。
Sadly; thanks to the cursed goblin rebellion; she had little choice。 Because of the desperate fighting all across the city; the clergy's incapacity was no great secret anymore。 Certainly Gromph had discerned it; which meant Triel no longer had anything to hide from him。 Surely; then; she would seek his counsel once more。
Waerva had been confident she could manipulate the frazzled matron mother; but she very much doubted she could fool the canny archmage。 Accordingly; she'd cleared out of the Great Mound and Menzoberranzan itself before her kinsman could start asking questions; and there she was; a solitary wayfarer hiking through a perilous wilderness。
But she was strong and cunning; and she'd survive。 She'd make her way to her secret allies; and everything would be all right。
She took four more strides; then heard another little sound; and this one wasn't falling water。 It sounded more like a stealthy footstep brushing stone; and it came from behind her。
She whirled and saw no one; then something stung her arm。 She pivoted。 At her feet lay the pebble someone had thrown。 Soft; sibilant laughter rippled through the air。 From the sound of it; the merrymakers were all around her。
Why; then; couldn't she see them?
Adamantine mace at the ready; one wing of her piwafwi tossed back to facilitate the action of her weapon arm; Waerva advanced in the direction from which the rock had e。 Weaving her way through the stalagmites; she reached the cavern wall without so much as glimpsing her attacker。 She caught a whiff of a familiar reptilian musk; though; and she knew。
Kobolds。 The horned; scaly undercreatures were small enough that it was relatively easy for them to hide amid the calcite bumps and spikes。
She turned once more; and despite herself; gave a start。 Evidently the kobolds lacked the patience to play their skulking game for very long; because they were done hiding。 While her back was turned; they'd crept out into the open and there formed a ragged Cshaped line to pen her against the wall。
The brutes were Menzoberranyr thralls。 House brands and whip scars gave that fact away。 Indeed; a couple still wore broken shackles。 Waerva plainly wasn't the only one who'd fled the city。
She glared at the kobolds and said; 〃I'm a Baenre。 You know what that means。 Make way; or I'll strike you dead。〃
The undercreatures stared back at her for a moment; then lowered their eyes。 The line broke in the middle; making an exit。
Sneering; head held high; Waerva started for the opening。 For a moment; all was silent; then the reptiles laughed; screeched; and rushed her。
Bellowing a battle cry; she swung her mace; and every stroke smashed the life from a thrall。 But for every one she killed; there were dozens more hacking and beating at her legs。
Her knee screamed with pain; and she fell。 The kobolds swarmed over her and pounded her until she just couldn't struggle any more。
With some difficulty; they divested her of her armor and clothing; and went to work on her。 Amazingly for such a bestial race; they seemed to understand anatomy as thoroughly as her dear Tluth; but their ministrations were nothing like massage。
Faeryl had learned to court unconsciousness。 It brought surcease from the lingering pains of past tortures。 Unfortunately; it couldn't avert new ones。 When Jeggred found her so; he simply waved a bottle of pungent smelling salts beneath her nose until it jolted her awake。
She could hear him ing。 So could the jailers; who scurried to the back of the dungeon to give him privacy。 Shivering; she struggled to pose herself。 Perhaps she could deny him the satisfaction of a scream—at least for a while—or even provoke him into killing her。 That would be wonderful。
The draegloth appeared in the doorway; stooping to pass through。 Despite herself; Faeryl flinched; then saw he was not alone。 Dainty little Triel acpanied him。 So did her harshfeatured brother; clad as usual in the Robes of the Archmage。
〃My 。 。 。 salutations; Matron;〃 the Zauvirr croaked。
〃Hush;〃 said Gromph; 〃and all will be well。〃 H
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