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NARRATOR: Sixty percent of congressional Democrats voted against NAFTA。 It passed only with Republican support。

Chapter 4: Crossing Borders '3:30'
第四章: 跨越国界
Onscreen caption: Tijuana; Mexico
After NAFTA became law; thousands of foreign panies built factories in Northern Mexico; exporting goods to the American market just a few miles away。 Eighty percent of all televisions sold in the 
MARIA ISABEL; Factory Worker; Tijuana; Mexico: I have two children。 In the South I didn't have a job and couldn't give my children what they need。 I left them behind with relatives and came here to find work。 I found a job in a television factory。 I earn enough to send some money home to my children。 I couldn't do that before。
MARIA ISABEL; 工厂工人; Tijuana; 墨西哥:我有两个孩子。在南部,我没有工作,不能给我的孩子提供他们需要的东西,我将他们托付给亲戚,来到这里找工作。我在一家电视机厂里找到了一份工作,我挣到了足够的钱寄给我的孩子,在以前,我可没有这个能力。
JE CASTANEDA; Foreign Minister of Mexico: This is a country of about over 100 million people。 There is no question that those 10 to 12 million people who live in the North and the border area are not doing badly by Mexican standards。 And it has bee more industrialized; with more jobs; higher wages; better social indicators; etc。 The North has benefited undoubtedly。 The people in the South are doing very badly by Mexican; or by anybody's; standards。
JE CASTANEDA; 墨西哥外交部长:这个国家拥有1亿人口,根据墨西哥的标准,居住在北部和边界地区的一千到一千二百万人口过的并不是很糟糕。这个地区已经变的更加工业化,有更多的工作机会,更高的薪酬水平,社会指数也有所好转。毫无疑问,北部地区受益非浅。而无论用墨西哥的标准还是其他任何人的标准来判断,南部地区的生活状况十分糟糕。
NARRATOR: Forty percent of Mexico's population lives in poverty。 Mexico's embrace of NAFTA and free trade was part of a broader change in thinking within developing countries。 Their governments increasingly saw open markets as the key to economic growth。
VICENTE FOX; President of Mexico: I worked 15 years for CocaCola。 I started as a route salesman。 I started right from the bottom。 And I learned that discipline; that hard work; that talent is the way to succeed。 I have always seen globalization as an opportunity。 Just the trade agreement with the United States has moved our total trading; which was six years ago US40 billion; today is US280 billion in just six years。 Nobody loses。 Everybody can win。
VICENTE FOX,墨西哥总统:我曾为可口可乐公司工作过15年之久,开始时我做是路边销售的,从最基层做起,我学习到了这个信条:努力工作和天分是通往成功的道路。我一直将全球化看作一个机遇。和美国之间的贸易协定使我们的贸易总额从6年之前的400亿美元增加到了今天的2800亿美元。没有人受到什么损失,每个人都可以获益。
THEA LEE: Obviously trade has increased; investment has increased。 And if the only metric you use to measure whether NAFTA has been a success or not is the volume of trade; then NAFTA is tremendously successful。 And yet most normal working people; most normal citizens don't watch the volume of trade。 panies have been more aggressive and threatening to move production to Mexico。 They've succeeded in bargaining down wages and opposing unions。 And so in a lot of different fronts we think that NAFTA has shifted the balance of bargaining power in the continent of North America towards multinational corporations。
THEA LEE:很明显,贸易已经增加了,投资也增加了。如果用来衡量北美自由贸易协定的唯一标准是贸易的化,那么它毫无疑问是极其成功的。但是,绝大部分劳动者和普通公民并不观察贸易额。公司越来越积极地和具有威胁性地把生产转移到墨西哥去。在降低薪水和反对工会的谈判中,他们已经取得了成功。因此,在很多不同的层面上,我们认为北美自由贸易协定已经把谈判力量的平衡从北美大陆转移到了跨国公司。
NARRATOR: Since NAFTA came into effect; about 400;000 American jobs have been ";adversely affected"; by trade with Canada and Mexico; according to the ; and over the '90s; global trade nearly doubled。
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Chapter 5: The Global Market '3:48'
第五章 全球市场
NARRATOR: We tend to think of trade as products and goods moving across borders。 In fact; the biggest trade of all can't be seen。 It is money; the continuous; 24hour worldwide flows of stocks; bonds; and currencies。 In the 1990s; practically anyone with savings in a pension or mutual fund became an investor in the global market。
Onscreen caption: Trade in goods and services: 8 trillion
Trade in currencies: 288 trillion
DANIEL YERGIN: I was at a dinner; a socalled thinkers' dinner at the White House before one of the State of the Union addresses; and there's this great discussion among all the people around the table about markets; about ";them out there;"; that it's somebody different。 Finally I raised my hand and said: ";With all due respect; the market isn't just them; it's us。 It's our aggregated retirement savings; it's our pension plans。 That's what the markets are。";
DANIEL YERGIN:在一次国情咨文报告之前,我参加了白宫的一个宴会——一个所谓思想家的宴会,所有在场的人都在热烈讨论有关市场的问题,关于“他们到了哪里”,以及某个市场有极大不同,等等。最终,我举起手:“我很庄重认为,市场不仅仅和所谓“他们”有关,市场就是“我们”,是我们所有的退休基金,是我们的养老计划,这才是我们的市场。
Onscreen caption: Sacramento; California
字幕:Sacramento; 加利福尼亚
NARRATOR: The state of California runs one of America's largest pension funds。 The fund; known as CalPERS; manages the retirement savings of over a million state employees。
Onscreen caption: CalPERS
California Public Employees' Retirement System
Assets: 150 billion
For decades; CalPERS invested only in America。 But in the era of globalization; that changed。 A quarter of its money was invested overseas。 At one point; CalPERS controlled 5 percent of France's entire stock market。
French television sent a crew to investigate。
MARY COTTRILL; Principal Investment Officer; CalPERS: They were filming in my office; and I had a salad on my desk because it'd been just a very hectic day。 We were talking about some figures on my puter; but they kept filming this salad; and I got the feeling that; you know; the story was going to be; ";The Americans are ing; and they're going to ruin the French way of life。 We're all going to be eating salads at our desk and working 12 or 14 hours;"; which; of course; is not true at all。 But I think it was just a fear; I think; that we've see in the news that globalization means Americanization。
MARY COTTRILL; 主要投资官员; CalPERS: 他们在我的办公室里进行拍摄,我的桌上有沙拉,因为当天非常忙碌。我们在谈论电脑里的一些数据,而他们却不停地拍摄我的沙拉。我感觉到——你也知道——故事将是这样的:“美国人来了,他们将要破坏法国的生活方式,我们都要在办公桌上吃沙拉,并每天工作1214个小时”, 当然,这些报道根本不真实。但是我想我只是害怕——新闻里把全球化成为美国化。
NARRATOR: Pension funds became the powerhouses of the global economy because they had the money。
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